Sunday, 27 November 2011

Where I've been...and where I'm going

Hi. I'm still here, honest. I've spent the day sorting. The kind of day that tidies the mind as well as the house. In the midst of it all I popped in here only to discover it's been well over a month since my last post. Oops!

I'm afraid it couldn't really be helped as it's been a ridiculously busy month, and the next is going to be soo much worse! All in a good way though. I've been busy at work, busy at play, but mostly busy frantically getting business stuff ready for the upcoming festivities. I have six Christmas markets on the agenda in the next month, and have already done two. I had no idea things would take off this quickly, so it's been all hands on deck, or rather, on stove, to make sure it's all ready. It's stressful, and exhilarating all at the same time.

I will be posting all the details of the markets I'll be on in the next few days, just in case any of you are able to make it. In the meantime, here's a quick photo round-up of what's been going on.
Probably the biggest news is that I got published. I'm finally in print, and raving about jam and it's uses as a tool for social networking; the way that re-connecting with artisan food making can connect us with a whole host of other people and communites all around the world who are doing the same thing. It's part of a great Cultural Cookbook, which, if you're so inclined, can be purchased over here.
After that I did a few early Christmas markets,

squeezed in a spot of knitting (with no help from the cats) and got busy in the jam kitchen and produced utter chaos in my office trying to get pre-orders packed and ready.
I also got busy in the kitchen at working making some lovely cakes to order. Oh how I wish I got to take this one home. We're not having a Christmas cake this year...perhaps we can have a Christmas cheesecake instead?
Then last week it was the BBC Food and Farming Awards, which I was lucky enough to get a ticket for. I really want to write a longer post about it, as it was an incredibly inspiring event. (and I did a bit of whooping when Locatelli and Huge F-W gave their awards, much to the embarrassment of N and the annoyance of the lady unfortunate to sit next to me!)
The other highlight of the last month? Rediscovering the nice glasses...
...and the delicious cocktails you can make to put in them! No harm in getting festive a little bit early! (above, whiskey and ginger liqour, below, the classic G&T).
Today marks the end of the "free" weekends before the madness begins. I have to say that with the house tidy, and a dash of gin in my system I'm rather looking forward to the craziness that is coming my way. I just hope that I can make it here a bit more often to share it with you.

(p.s. although I haven't been here I have been lurking on the interwebs reading up on what everyone else is doing...I may not comment lots, but I'm loving reading about it all)