Wednesday 21 April 2010

Food Junctions

 So, it would seem that I'm not the only one obsessed with interested in jam. A little while ago I spotted an email calling for people who were into food to suggest presentations or talks that they might give at an event that was taking place. 

I hummed and hawed, and pondered, and after about three seconds sent a ridiculously enthusiastic reply. A bit of too-ing and fro-ing later and I had the idea for a presentation figured out, and then suddenly a potential date, and the oh, look, my name in a programme and a 30 minute slot. 


Food Junctions is a massive two-weekend event (this weekend - 24/25th April, and next weekend 1/2 May) that explores all sorts of different aspects of food and food production. It's part of the Kings Cross Reveal festival and sounds like it's going to be not only really interesting, but masses of fun. 

And on May 1st at 2.30pm I'll be there, talking about jam, and blogging, and blogging about jam (and jamming about blogging), as part of the "Cultures of Food" presentations.

The website is There are events going on throughout the weekends, plus a seed and recipe exchange, best recipe competition, free breakfasts and all sorts. 

Come along and say hello...and please don't laugh at my presentation or I might cry. (and if you don't laugh there might even be some free jam...)


  1. Ohh if I lived closer to London I'd have loved to come!

    Good luck - it'll be lots of fun, I'm sure!

  2. I'm there! It's in my diary and everything. Yaayyy!! x

  3. Wish I could be there. I'm sure it will all go swimmingly.

  4. Just wanted to say well done for today's talk. It was inspiring and fun.

    I've ordered the book you recommended, only £5 from Amazon!

    I'll post you some of my attempts (the nice ones i promise) when they're ready.

    Keep up the good work
